Previously, level 1 users could either edit all user shifts, or none of them, depending on the security settings. This has now changed, and there are a couple of important options for administrators to use.
1) Restrict the users that each level 1 user can edit. The 'Edit Own Line Staff' means that this person can only edit staff rotas for whom he is the line manager OR the person shares the same default location.
For example: A retail organisation has shops around the country, and they are largely autonomous in planning their rotas. If the shop manager has user level 1, he can edit staff in his shop if the relevant box is checked (see below). Meanwhile, the regional manager, who is line manager to several shops, also has the ability to edit the rotas of these staff.
2) Past dates: Unless this box has been checked, users will not be able to edit past dates.
Review your level 1 user security settings to take advantage of these changes.